Our AI, CRM & live chat integrations
Our AI Assistant & AI Agent platform seamlessly integrates with popular CRM systems, live chat platforms, knowledge bases, as well as chat platforms like WhatsApp, Messenger, and more.
Our AI and Large Language Models
Leveraging the power of our proprietary AI, Conversed.ai, and combining it with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Antropic’s Claude, and NLP Cloud, we guarantee top-tier results for our clients. Our sophisticated blend of technologies empowers automation capacity, generating high-value leads, streamlining customer care, and facilitating process comprehension and training for employees. Optimize your operations with our AI Assistant for superior outcomes.
Integrates with most popular CRM, Livechat knowledge base and chat platforms
Integrate seamlessly with our AI Assistants! We effortlessly sync with top CRM and LiveChat solutions. Our AI Assistants & AI Agents also integrate with the most popular knowledge article bases, making accessing knowledge articles and FAQs a breeze, turning them into interactive, 24/7 auto-responders. But wait, there’s more! Our AI Assistants & AI Agents can be run on your website, WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, and more. We’ve got you covered on all fronts!
Conversed.ai live chat platform
The Conversed.ai live chat platform is the perfect backup to our powerful AI Assistants & Agents. When a customer’s request goes beyond the capabilities of the AI Assistant or AI Agent, chats seamlessly transition to a live chat agent. And if no agent is available, create a ticket for a follow-up. Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to unparalleled customer support. Save cost, drive sales, and boost satisfaction – it’s all within reach with Conversed.ai.
Our AI and Large Language Models
Leveraging the power of our proprietary AI, Conversed.ai, and combining it with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Antropic’s Claude, and NLP Cloud, we guarantee top-tier results for our clients. Our sophisticated blend of technologies empowers automation capacity, generating high-value leads, streamlining customer care, and facilitating process comprehension and training for employees. Optimize your operations with our AI Assistant for superior outcomes.
Integrates with most popular CRM, live chat knowledge base and chat platforms
Integrate seamlessly with our AI Assistants! We effortlessly sync with top CRM and live chat solutions. Our AI Agents also integrate with the most popular knowledge article bases, making accessing knowledge articles and FAQs a breeze, turning them into interactive, 24/7 auto-responders. But wait, there’s more! Our AI Assistants & AI Agents can be run on your website, WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, and more. We’ve got you covered on all fronts!
Conversed.ai live chat platform
The Conversed.ai live chat platform is the perfect backup to our powerful AI Assistants & AI Agents. When a customer’s request goes beyond the AI Assistant’s capabilities, chats seamlessly transition to a live chat agent. And if no agent is available, create a ticket for a follow-up. Say goodbye to missed opportunities and hello to unparalleled customer support. Save cost, drive sales, and boost satisfaction – it’s all within reach with Conversed.ai.